Nebraska Powder Coating
NE Custom Powder Coating

Nebraska map
NE powder coaters
Sorted by city
Chief Powder Coating
One of the largest automated conveyor powder coat operations in the country.
1119 South Adams Street
Grand Island, NE 68803
Toll free: 800-626-7811
CrossLinc Custom Coatings, LLC
Family-owned business in Lincoln, Nebraska. We provide custom powder coating for a variety of industries, including firearm, aviation, automotive, motorcycle and bicycle, among others.
4630 Hartley Street, Suite 1
Lincoln, NE 68504
Phone: (402) 770-1295
Lincoln Industries
the largest and most diverse privately-held metal finishing company in North America. We develop technical solutions.
600 West “E” Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68522
Phone: (402) 475-3671
Rowse Hydraulic Rakes Company
Our Powder Coating Operation uses a five-stage preparation process before applying the powder coating.
304 Simpson Rd
O’Neill, NE 68763
Phone: (402) 336-3255
Feeney Manufacturing, Inc.
State-of-the-art powder coating facility just 35 miles north of Omaha.
3551 County Rd F.
Tekamah , NE 68061
Phone: (402) 808-4301